Friday, October 19, 2012

Give Thanks

I made this amazing chart last night.  It is for the month of November.  Every day you pull out the card for the day and everyone writes what they are thankful for on the card.  I just loved this idea and how you can look back on previous years and see how life has changed and also remind us of what we are truly thankful for. I am going to put the year on the cards for future reference.   I loved this idea!!!  I originally got the idea from this blog:  I of course changed things to make it fit my needs.  I actually couldn't find the larger coin envelopes, so I ended up using the smaller and I think it is perfect.  I used vinyl lettering/numbers to make life a little easier too.  My board is 16 X 20.  I think it turned out great and it will meet the needs of my family.