Ribbon (about 40-45 inches)
Soda Tab’s (about 15-20)
2 Safety pins
1 Binder Clip (optional)
Cardboard (optional)
Step 1. Burn the ends of
the ribbon to help prevent fraying. (optional)
Step 2. Folding the ribbon
in half, make a small loop (about ½-1 inch) at the end and tie a knot.
Step 3. Using binder clip and
cardboard, attach the ribbon to the top of the cardboard.
Step 4. Using the safety pins attach them to the end
of the ribbon.
Step 5. Then slide on the first
soda tab by placing one ribbon in each of the holes.
Step 6. Lift ribbons up and
over out of the way.
Step 7. Place the next soda tab on the previous one overlapping
about ½ of it and matching up the holes.
Step 8. Insert ribbons into the holes you have
created with both tabs.
Step 9. This is what is should look like.
Step 10. Pull ribbons up through holes on top tab.
Step 11. Continue doing steps 6-9 until bracelet fits
comfortably leaving a place to tie it on the bottom.
Step 12. Tie the bracelet around your wrist.
Final Product:
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